是次比賽為2017 ROG Masters 台港澳資格賽, 港澳地區隊伍須先進行港澳區選拔賽,爭奪兩名出線資格, 出戰台灣參加台港澳資格賽。台港澳資格賽冠軍將會出戰亞太區域資格賽。
參賽者需為香港或澳門地區 PC 平台 CSGO 玩家
1.1 報名方式:
- 每隊報名參賽隊最少 5 人為一個隊伍、包含候補選手最多共 7 人。
- 每位成員均需登記成為CGA會員及ASUS會員(ASUS會員預設密碼為00000000, 登入連接: https://goo.gl/Pt3dVG)
- 接受報名日期:7月7日至7月21日(HKT23:59)
- 參賽者必須為香港澳門合法居民(持有有效身份證明),必須提供PC Steam ID 方可參加。
- 參賽隊伍上限為64隊,先報先得。
- 各參賽隊伍如需更換出賽選手名單,隊長需於賽事開始前一天將人員改動資訊寄至info@cga.hk,且必須為候補選手名單成員,如若該隊伍已進行第一場比賽,將不能再作任何人員更改。
- 每名參賽者只能代表一隊伍參賽。
- 請新增(info@cga.hk)官方skype 帳戶用作賽事聯絡用途(重要資訊)。
- 所有參賽隊伍隊長必須最少提前30分鐘登入CGA 比賽平台報到。
1.2 比寶詳情:
- 第一階段2017 ROG Masters台港澳資格賽 (港澳地區選拔)
- ROG Masters港澳區賽事會分為三階段進行,分別為 64強至16強綫上賽賽事,8強及4強線下賽賽事,及首次名(線下)決賽賽事,比賽平台、時間及地點請參閱1.3
- ROG Masters港澳區4強線下賽獲勝隊伍將獲得ROG Masters台港澳資格賽4強資格,出戰台灣區4強賽獲勝隊伍。首次名決賽線下賽之冠亞軍隊伍將直接決定ROG Masters台港澳資格賽4強對賽隊伍,詳情請參閱1.2第二階段台港澳資格賽部份。
- ROG Masters港澳區首次名(線下)決賽之冠亞軍隊伍均可獲得由華碩ROG提供的香港台北來回機票及3天住宿(總值港幣$21000)。
- ROG Masters港澳區4強線下賽落敗隊伍可獲每隊 港幣$3000賽事資助金
- 64強至16強綫上賽賽事為BO1機制, 8強及4強線下賽賽事為BO3機制, 首次名(線下)決賽賽事為BO1機制。
- 比賽模式為單敗淘汰賽BO1 或 BO3
- 所有參賽隊伍及隊員需在比賽開始前30分鐘登入CGA平台作準備,若比賽開始沒有全員到齊視作棄權。
- 第二階段2017 ROG Masters台港澳資格賽
- 賽制形式
- 4強賽 : 第一場:台灣冠軍 VS 港澳區亞軍 , 第二場 :台灣亞軍 VS 港澳區冠軍 (BO3)
- 冠亞軍賽: 4強賽兩支勝利隊伍對決 (BO3)
- 季殿軍賽: 4強賽兩支落敗隊伍對決 (BO3)
- 比賽地點: 台灣三創數位生活園區1F–12立方 (100台北市中正區市民大道三段2號)
- 台港澳資格賽獎金總額:$350,000新台幣
- 冠軍:$160,000新台幣, 亞軍$100,000新台幣, 季軍$60,000新台幣, 殿軍:$30,000新台幣
- 第三階段2017 ROG Masters亞太區域資格賽
- 台港澳資格賽冠軍隊伍將在2017年10月出戰亞太區域資格賽,與各大賽區隊伍一決高下。
1.3 港澳區選拔 階段比賽時間:
- 64強賽事(Day1) 第一輪32支隊伍 7月29日 16:00 (HKT) 線上賽 BO1
- 64強賽事(Day1) 第二輪32支隊伍 7月29日 18:00 (HKT) 線上賽 BO1
- 32強賽事(Day1) 7月29日 20:00 (HKT) 線上賽 BO1
- 16強賽事(Day1) 7月30日 18:00 (HKT) 線上賽 BO1
- 8強賽事 (Day1) 8月12日 12:00 (HKT) 線下賽 BO3
- 地點: VS Stadium Unit 114-127, 1/F, D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee St, Lai chi Kok, HK
- 8強賽事 (Day2) 8月13日 12:00 (HKT) 線下賽 BO3
- 地點: VS Stadium Unit 114-127, 1/F, D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee St, Lai chi Kok, HK
- 4強及首次名決賽 8月25日 線下賽 BO3及BO1
1.4 台港澳資格賽階段比賽時間:
- 4強賽 9月2日,線下賽 BO3
- 季殿軍賽 9月3日,線下賽 BO3
- 冠亞軍賽 9月3日,線下賽 BO3
- 比賽地點: 台灣三創數位生活園區1F – 12立方 (100台北市中正區市民大道三段2號)
*所有時間將以香港區時間 (GMT +08:00) 為準。
2.1 遊戲準備及斷線:
- 比賽進入Ban Map 畫面時將視同為遊戲開始,且除重大事件外雙方選手皆不得離席。
- 如果有比賽選手在比賽開始15秒內斷線,且雙方沒有任何接觸,比賽可重新開始,苦回合開始且超出15秒,該回合比賽需繼續進行。
- 如果同一隊在比賽中途斷線超過 3 次,將會被取消資格。
3.1 參賽須知:
- 參賽者須同意授權其參賽所衍生的照片及影片於任何 CGA 與 ASUS 官方相關宣傳之用途。
- 報名隊伍所有隊員必須為登記隊伍成員及成為 CGA 及ASUS 會員(CGA 將於比賽前核對隊員帳號是否與官方登記隊伍資料無誤)。
- 每名參賽者只能代表一隊參賽。
- 參賽者遊戲名稱不能含有任何不雅及粗俗字句。
- 得獎者及其隊員領取獎品前須出示其身份證明文件以核實身份。
- 主辦單位有權利用你的姓名、個人經歷與樣貌替本賽事進行廣告行為,並且作為賽事往後的歷史推廣。依照本賽事規則,主辦單位有權獨自或與播放合作夥伴播放或重播賽事內容(包括透過網際網絡與無線網路),無須支付額外費用。
- 在任何情況下造成比賽延誤或取消,CGA 均不會作出任何退款或賠償(報名抵押金除外)。
- CGA 將根據由得獎者提供的聯絡資料與得獎者聯繫,所有聯繫方式均以報名表格的資料為準,並不接受自行更改。
- 獎品不可轉讓、不可兌換現金及不設退還。
4.1 關於比賽突發情況及違規處理:
- 除非參賽隊伍仍未完成之前賽事,否則比賽開始之後 15 分鐘內若該場次出賽隊員沒有全員到齊即視同棄權。若你的對手隊伍未能依時出席,請與工作人員聯絡。
- 如發現隊伍使用任何外掛軟件或利用遊戲漏洞,CGA/ASUS 將即時取消指定隊伍資格。
- CGA 將保留及取消任何被發現或懷疑偽造身份者的比賽資格,以及試圖使用任何程式影響比賽及活動投票結果的參賽者之權利。
- 若比賽開始前選手隊伍發現連線品質(Ping) 出現不合理的延遲或異常,請立即通知工作人員,CGA將有權視情況更改比賽伺服器。
- CGA 保留向違規的參賽者追討損失或其他補償的權利。
- 比賽中若遭遇突發因素(官方伺服器出現問題、任何突發事故等等)而導致遊戲無法正常進行,經裁判判斷後將依照當時戰況判定重賽或勝負。
- 比賽若有官方轉播,參賽選手不可私自開台實況賽程,違者判所屬隊伍棄權。
- 比賽期間選手如遇以下緊急狀況,可立即向裁判申請暫停。
- 狀況:
- 選手身體突然發生嚴重不適,可能無法進行比賽。
4.2 其他概要:
- CGA 與 ASUS 官方有權隨時修改任何比賽細則,而毋須事先通知。
- CGA 有權隨時修改任何比賽時間及賽程,而毋須事先通知。
- 如有任何爭議,CGA 與 ASUS 官方將保留一切最終決定權。
- 如本條款及條件之中英文版本存有任何歧義,一概以中文版本作準。
- 比賽結果將於 CGA、ASUS 官方 Facebook page 或活動網站上公佈。
CSGO 遊戲比賽規則(以英文版本為准)
Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Type: Competitive 5 versus 5
Region: Asia
Server Location: Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan
Stand in: Maximum two stand-in allowed.
Tournament Format: Single elimination BO1
Maximum Team Slots: 512
Map Pool: de_mirage / de_train / de_nuke / de_inferno / de_overpass / de_cbble / de_cache
Veto method: Each teams BAN until last map were chosen. [Upper team of the bracket will ban first]
1 - Regions
All participating players must be resident in Asia region, including the team Stand-in members.(HK&Macau)
2 - Tournament Structure
2.1 - Tournament format:
Matches will be in a Best of 1 format. Round of 64-16
Matches will be in a Best of 3 format. Round of 8 - 4
All matches have overtime enabled and will use MR5 16k as the settings.
All matches are played as single elimination.
3 - Game settings
3.1 - Game version
All matches played on the MixBOT will use the latest version of CS:GO. If your game isn't up to date and you attempt to join the server you will not be allowed so please make sure it is up to date before joining the tournament, else you risk of getting disqualified from the tournament.
3.2 - Player's settings
External tools or software to alter in-game settings are not allowed in MixBOT matches. Recommended client settings:
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
rate 128000
cl_cmdrate 128
cl_updaterate 128
cl_allowdownload 1
cl_downloadfilter 0
voice_enable 1
3.3 - Server settings
All matches will be played on MixBOT's servers powered by MixBOT Tournament System.
The following game settings will be used:
mp_startmoney 800
mp_roundtime 1.92
mp_freezetime 12
mp_maxrounds 30
mp_c4timer 40
sv_pausable 1
ammo_grenade_limit_default 1
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 2
ammo_grenade_limit_total 4
Settings for overtime:
mp_maxrounds 6
mp_startmoney 10000
4 - Match procedure
4.1.1 - Check in
Captain/Member of the team with link access to the 'Team Management Page' is able to Check-in for the team. You MUST check-in for your team during check-in period to confirm your present. Teams fails to check-in before Check-in period expired will not be able to play and put into the tournament bracket - Before the match start
You have a total of 10 minutes to vote, if you use more than this your team will be disqualified from the tournament. Each vote is a maximum of 300 seconds in cups, if your team captain does not vote the system will award a forfeit win to the opposing team and you will be removed from the event. Larger events will have varying times up to a infinite length of time. This does not mean that you can exceed the 10 minute vote time in the room. - Joinning the server
Participants must join the server and ready with the command (!ready) within 15 minutes after the server instance is created for the match. Teams failing to join the server or ready within the timeframe will be disqualified immediately.
4.1.3 - Map Pool
4.4.1 - Communication
All communication with admins is expected to be in English. All communication in game and on the website is also recommended to be in English.
4.4.2 - Match interrupted
If a match is involuntary interrupted (player crash, server crash, network cuts,…) the Admin may decide to resume the match to a round before the issue was present to give both teams a fair chance.
4.4.3 - POV Demo
Players are required to record their own in-game demo. If a player disconnects, for whatever reason, players must start recording again, with a different demo file name. To record an in eye demo please type in your game console when the match starts: record putnamehere
The demo must have all rounds that you have played. You must have from pistol round to the final round played to be considered a complete demo.
Players can request a protest if they feel their opponent is cheating. This is done by the player requesting a in eye demo to from our Admins:
Only Captains can request demos and they must request demos within 5 minutes of the match finishing.
Only the losing team is allowed to request demos, the demos can’t be collected before the match is completed. The losing team can only request 2 demos.
Final round demo requests must be made before the match is over, but not before the first half has completed. Please !pause the game and the Captain can contact Live Support. We then can request the demos during the pause time to be uploaded once the match is completed.
If a in eye demo can not be produced the team will receive an automatic forfeit loss the team that requested the demo will not be advanced in their place.
If a demo is produced by the suspected player our demo team will look at the demo and make a decision based on what they see.
4.4.4 - Pause
A team may “pause” the game at the end of the current round or during freeze time to allow a player to come back. A team can’t “pause” the game during the current round unless it has been expressly authorized by the Admin. The maximum allowed pause time is 10 minutes, once the pause timer countdown runs out you will not be able to pause and the match will still continue.
4.5 - After the match
When the match has been completed the result is automatically uploaded to our system and the winning team will advanced in the tournament.
4.6 - Server connection/network quality
Mixbot is always trying to deliver and provide best possible competitve gaming experience as possible. Due to numerous factors, including continent, network complexity, number of teams in countries and demand. It is not feasible for us to deploy servers in low demanding regions. We will provide five servers in four regions , which are Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Korea. MixBOT will not responsible for the delay it caused for participating teams due to dissatisfactory latency / network connection during the tournament, players may not issue a dispute for network issues after the match result is concluded.
5 - Rules and violations
5.1 - Forbidden in-game actions
The following actions are strictly prohibited during a game and can result in your account being suspended:
Using bugs which change the game principle (i.e. spawn bugs) is illegal.
Moving through walls, floors and roofs is strictly forbidden. This also includes skywalking.
Planting bombs so that they cannot be defused is illegal. This does not include plants where multiple players are needed to defuse.
Boosting with the help of teammates is allowed in general, but it is forbidden in places where the textures, walls, ceilings, floors become transparent or penetrable.
- “Flash bugs” are forbidden
- “Map swimming” or “Floating” is illegal.
- “Pixelwalking” is illegal (sitting or standing on invisible map edges).
- Using 16 bit graphics.
All 3rd party software that isn't allowed by the game publisher and that can give an unfair advantage to a player or team are classed as cheating.
5.2 - Sanction
A player may be cautioned and receive a ban if he commits any of the following offences:
Refuses to follow Admin instructions.
Shows dissent by word or action towards other players.
Uses insulting language and/or gestures towards other players.
Is guilty of unsporting behavior in a match.
Mislead or dupe any Admins
6 - Other
6.1 - Anti-cheat
All MixBOT Servers have our own in house anti-cheat enabled on all of our servers that you play on.
Players are REQUIRED to install and run MixBOT Anti-cheat client during the match.
If you are detected by the anti-cheat you will be kicked from the game. The team with a cheater on the team will be disqualified from the tournament.
6.2 - GOTV Demos
MixBOT’s servers will be recording all the matches. These demo and match result will be uploaded to our backend automatically once the match is finished.
6.3 - Stand-ins
You may use up to TWO stand-ins for the team and must be notify admin for line-up changes 30 minutes prior to your match by sending email to 'mixbottv@gmail.com'.
You will receive reply from our admin after line-up changes is
6.4 - Party/Team names
Please fill in your team name accordingly. Team Names/Avatars should not contain any offensive or racist content. If you come across a player/team breaking this rule then please contact admins with relevant evidence (Screenshot/Recording) so action can be taken against the player/team in question.
Team captains ignoring this rule can end up with a ban from the platform and organization of the event.
6.5 - Ingame Name/Avatars
Ingame Names/Avatars should not contain any offensive or racist content. If you come across a player breaking this rule then please submit a ticket with relevant evidence (Screenshot/Recording) so action can be taken against the player in question.